Encapsulation carpet cleaning and commercial carpet care forum by Excellent-Supply.com & Releasit
New Format - Printable Version

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New Format - encapman - 10-14-2012

Welcome to the new format of the EncapBoard. We went for a cleaner look. We retained the features of the previous version. But this one cleans everything up a bit. I hope you like it!

RE: New Format - encapman - 10-14-2012

P.S. And we also managed to sort out the Safari bug that was creating a weird box that showed up in the reply window - only in Safari browsers. Woohoo!

RE: New Format - Cairnswun - 10-15-2012


Now I'm going on Safari to explore the features a tad more.

RE: New Format - Jamie - 10-15-2012

Love the cool new look, very clean indeed. And yes I browse this from my iPad using Safari and already I've found it better.

Thanks Rick.



RE: New Format - encapman - 10-15-2012

Thanks guys! Smile

RE: New Format - Derek - 10-15-2012

much simpler, nice Rick!

any way you can change it so we dont have to wait 50 seconds between postings? (or however long it is...i have to wait 33 more seconds before i can post this message Tongue )

RE: New Format - encapman - 10-15-2012

Seriously? We've been seeing that it seems a lot quicker than the previous format. Blazingly fast in fact. Which browser are you using? Do you have a fast internet connection? You can test your speed at http://www.SpeedTest.net

Also, if you're using Internet Explorer - you may want to move to a better browser. IE is responsible for widespread pain and misery on the worldwide web. Try Chrome or Firefox if you're still using IE. http://blogs.computerworld.com/18552/12_reasons_not_to_use_internet_explorer_ever

If anyone else is noticing any lag in performance please let me know. We've accessed the new forum from several devices in different locations and it seems to be running fast.

RE: New Format - Ades Gros - 10-15-2012

Like the new format, cool look thanks Rick G.

RE: New Format - Cairnswun - 10-16-2012

I don't have a problem with the speed of light that this new format produces.

It's much faster than some other 4rums. ;-)

I'm using Firefox, have been for several years with no problems.

RE: New Format - NJP - 10-16-2012

Yes this is awesome!!!!!