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Orbot vs Vario residential ? - Printable Version

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Orbot vs Vario residential ? - mark63 - 05-13-2016

I have a used orbot (that originally came from Excellent-Supply) I use it mostly for residential as I have a cimex for commercial. I was wondering if I swiched to a Vario would the 19in size be a little large for residential compared a 17in Orbot?

RE: Orbot vs Vario residential ? - Ades Gros - 05-13-2016

I have the 19 vario , just bought 1st of the year i have been using it mostly in empty apts, but have used it resd too. From what i have came across i can get into most spaces with it. Some resd i go into i have trouble getting my 12" wand in.

RE: Orbot vs Vario residential ? - AndrewTaylor8502 - 05-17-2016

We got the latest HOS Orbot SprayBorg floor scrubber for residential jobs and we are quite happy with it. I can't imagine to replace it with anything else, even a Vario. I agree that it looks like a good piece of machinery, but I'm not sure if it's such a good decision for the long term, and it seems just unnecessary. And for commercial jobs we have the Polivac Terminator steam cleaner, which is unstoppable. I've cleaned all kinds of nasty stains with it and it has never failed me. It's a completely Australian machine, and a very successful one too.

RE: Orbot vs Vario residential ? - HBMville - 05-17-2016

I use the Vario for residential all the time and love it. 95% of the time I have no issues with the size and I think it only helps to increase productivity. For the really tight areas I use an Oreck Orbiter.