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Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - Printable Version

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Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - Click - 07-20-2017

Having read the labels of all the Releasit encap products I notice that Hydrox is a far higher dilution ratio than ds2.  Is there any reason for this? What is the recommended dilution for encaping residential carpet and what ration is best for using as a browning/urine spotter? Cheers

RE: Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - Lounge Lizards - 07-20-2017

Many products have different dilution rates because they contain different chemicals, be it pH or whatever.

Use it as per the instructions on the label & you will be okay.

DON'T use DS2 with the HYDROX dilution ratio, & DON'T use HYDROX with the DS2 ratio.

It is okay to use water neat for drinking, but if you want a different taste, add some cordial. Wink 

Or make it hot & add coffee, mmmmm. Rolleyes 

BUT, don't drink DS2 or HYDROX. Sad 

Always use as directed & if in doubt, refer to the label.


RE: Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - encapman - 07-20-2017

In fact Encap-HydrOx will clean and encapsulate at a lower dilution. But to exploit the hydrogen peroxide, a stronger dilution brings out the peroxide's full potential.

RE: Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - Click - 07-24-2017

I recently cleaned a carpet with hydrox and only used around 4oz per us gallon and the customer was happy.  Do you think it will be ok to use this dilution all the time and is it ok to ad some hydrogen peroxide the the hydrox. Would this make a difference and what is a safe amount to add.  Thanks for the help.

RE: Releasit Hydrox! Dilution ratio? - encapman - 07-24-2017

I don't know how adding more hydrogen peroxide would affect it. As it is, the standard version of Encap-HydrOx has a pretty intense amount of hydrogen peroxide. It's also highly acidic. These are factors that help it to perform as dramatically as it does. So my concern would be if you go too far in another direction with varying dilutions or adding peroxide, you may alter the effectiveness of Encap-HydrOx. I know it's fun to tweak things, but our chemist labored on getting HydrOx nailed down. My advice would be to not stray too terribly far from the formulators planned usage.