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Soileze - Printable Version

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Soileze - Rob D - 05-01-2013


Can we mix soileze with encap solution and apply as we are cleaning vs. application after cleaning..I realize ds2 and punch already have it but was thinking for encapgreen, basic, and especially hydrox..?
Thank you

RE: Soileze - encapman - 05-02-2013

Soileze could be added to Encap-Basic - no problem there.

If you were to add Soileze to Bio-Encap you won't have a DFE certified product, since each raw ingredient has to be individually approved by the EPA.

Adding Soileze to Encap-HydrOx is not a good idea since the pH of Encap-HydrOx would not interact well with Soileze.