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when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - Printable Version

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when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - leofry@1966 - 05-08-2013

this is still a great concern to me, tell me if it should not be... but i clean for a few pretty big places and they have joined my stay clean program with new carpet, so this is a issue with me... also not sure what to tell someone that ask... hey John i have new carpet will your method void the warranty ?

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - encapman - 05-08-2013

Seriously? In 30+ years in the business, I have NEVER been asked that question.

Warranty exclusions normally point to rotary machines. The Cimex machine by definition is not a rotary machine - it is a planetary machine, very different behavior. As the drive platform turns clockwise the 3 drivers are spinning counter-clockwise. In other words, as it might damage the carpet - it's undamaging it.

The Cimex is safe for carpet, and we have valid testing to back up that statement. http://www.excellent-supply.com/cimex_releasit_test_results.pdf

In the case of this test - we sent a Cimex, along with FiberPlus pads and Releasit to Professional Testing Laboratory in Dalton - the very lab used by the CRI and all the mills in Dalton for 3rd party testing. Their testing confirmed that the Cimex did not damage the carpet.

It's funny how a couple of mills and a couple of voices are raising this alleged concern about the Cimex and carpet warranties. In fact we have sold thousands of Cimex machines over the past 12 years. And we've been at the forefront of promoting encapsulation. Trust me on this... If a single warranty issue with the Cimex was EVER raised - don't you think it would have come to my attention first? You better believe it would have! But guess what - I haven't heard about 10 warranty claims, 5 warranty claims, 2 warranty claims - no I haven't heard of a single warranty claim - NOT ONE. Why? Because it doesn't exist.

Why do you think guys favor using Cimex machines in rug washing pits on delicate and EXPENSIVE wool rugs? Because it is SAFE on the fiber. And there simply is no possibility that a properly run Cimex has the potential to damage a commercial carpet.

Henny Penny the sky is not falling. Smile

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - leofry@1966 - 05-08-2013

great answer and that is something i can use Rick if the matter does come up...

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - Cairnswun - 05-08-2013

What's a warranty claim??

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - Rob D - 05-08-2013

Carpet warranties are the biggest joke anyways.. Anyone I know who has had a legit concern has had to go to battle to get what they have coming....In my past life I was a new car dealer service manager and warranty was warranty ...Ive seen great people with real concern not have the carpet covered by warranty and I think half of the time it's the retailer not helping enough to get the claim covered , especially with wear concerns

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - MikeB - 05-08-2013

Carpet warranties are a tool for SELLING carpet with a comfy cozy " yes mam we will powder your butt and tell you everything will be alright for ever" feeling at the point of sale. (same as new car sales) But unlike car warranties, carpet warranties are about worthless.
In reality, if your walk on the carpet or a blue car drives by your house on a Tuesday, it's void.
BTW, if Rick G. has never had an issue, I would not worry at all.
I also spent many years in the new car dealership world in a previous life.

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - TheCleaningDude - 05-09-2013

I wish I could get my butt powdered and be told that everything will be alright forever....(figuratively speaking, of course).

(05-08-2013, 08:31 PM)MikeB Wrote: Carpet warranties are a tool for SELLING carpet with a comfy cozy " yes mam we will powder your butt and tell you everything will be alright for ever" feeling at the point of sale. (same as new car sales) But unlike car warranties, carpet warranties are about worthless.
In reality, if your walk on the carpet or a blue car drives by your house on a Tuesday, it's void.
BTW, if Rick G. has never had an issue, I would not worry at all.
I also spent many years in the new car dealership world in a previous life.

RE: when and does the cimex company make an attempt to change the warranty issue - Cairnswun - 05-09-2013

Dodgy O.M.G. That would never happen down under.

We have concrete solid warranties, for just about everything.

Once the salespersons car is off the concrete, the warranty also is off. Tongue

Carpet wanties, Pffft, what sort of cleaners are you, eh?? Huh

Big Grin