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Perfumes - Printable Version

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Perfumes - OXIGREENGUY - 05-12-2013

Hey guys! I'm new to the forum but not to the Encap product line.

I have a home I'm doing this wed and she is a really nice old lady with cats. She has a really nice home and I'm sure she is loaded. I do a bunch of her friends also. She has a cleaning service that comes in every week and her home looks clean. But it smells like cats. I have hit the entire home with black lights and nothing.
Previous to this I have always done her home with my base mix of Hydrox at 12:1 with a shot of FreshScent at 2oz per gallon witch has always kicked ***** across the board up to this point. My process is to always go in with a Certified Pile lifter and prevac and then hit it with my Bursh Pro after Pre treating and lettng it sit for about 15minutes. When I leave it's always clean/dry and smells clean. But she is telling me after about a week the smell comes back.
I was wondering if anyone sells a perume or scent that may better mask was ever the ***** is going on?Huh
I'm affraid of jus adding stuff to the release because I don't want to mess with the pollimers and it crystalizing. Any ***** would be huge guys!
BTW: I will need to over night this so I have it for wed.


RE: Perfumes - Rob D - 05-12-2013

The fact that it's dry when you leave is not always a good thing.. You might not be using enough solution to pick up your issue. Many will tell you hwe for urine which is probably the best but I know many that use hydrox and odorcide and have good luck. You need enough solution to encapsulate the concern. Hydrox itself works great for odor

RE: Perfumes - OXIGREENGUY - 05-12-2013

Rob, are you thinking like 1 gallon per 300sq ft? Could you give me an idea of the saturation your thinking? HWE isn't an opion for me.


RE: Perfumes - Rob D - 05-13-2013

(05-12-2013, 01:41 PM)OXIGREENGUY Wrote: Rob, are you thinking like 1 gallon per 300sq ft? Could you give me an idea of the saturation your thinking? HWE isn't an opion for me.


A lot of factors involved such as depth and thickness of carpet.. Keep in mind that 1gal per 300 sq ft is what recommended for commercial carpet. Due to the fact your looking to encapsulate this issue I would say definitely more that 1 gal per 300. I would have fans set up to amplify dry time and set up to post vac next day. Charge for it, remember its not your problem.

RE: Perfumes - DON ELDRED - 05-14-2013

Remember it is not your problem!!!!!!!
It may not be your problem, however, once you touch it, it will become your problem unless you define it before hand and have the customer sign a document to that effect.