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New Toy - Printable Version

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New Toy - Hoss - 05-17-2013

I think all of my fellow obsessive commercial and residential carpet and ceramic tile floor specialists will appreciate this little gem . . . Smile Base boards? Edges? Round corners? Bring it on!

[Image: Hoss-New-Toy.jpg]

RE: New Toy - Derek - 05-17-2013

works wonders on the underside of the lip of a toilet bowl to Idea


RE: New Toy - jtmellon - 05-17-2013

I can think of a few other jobs for it, but I will keep it clean. Wink

RE: New Toy - encapman - 05-17-2013

Colon polyps?

RE: New Toy - lee@deepclean.us.com - 05-17-2013

Obama care for your colon!

RE: New Toy - Cairnswun - 05-18-2013

Even better on a cordless drill Tongue

'n great for brushing the fangs of those with a BIG MOUTH>>>>> Blush

Big Grin