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EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - Printable Version

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EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - encapman - 05-20-2013


RE: EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - David-Hebert - 05-20-2013

Big GrinTongueShyIdeaExclamation
I have to agree with you Rick the more we do commercial the more my guys (sons) say
give us more of this stuff, even if they are extracting.

I know for them it is less stressful doing commercial even doing large T&G or VCT jobs.
Personally a fairly even mix of both is great, residential provides a nice cash flow.

RE: EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - MikeB - 05-20-2013

Rick certainly has some great points there and I do enjoy commercial ( what little I'm currently doing) and I like to get right to work and not have to do too much jibber jabbering. I guess I have more of a production / efficiency mindset than a chatty people person mind. Which brings me to the main reason I drag my feet on going after more commercial. Actually doing the sales calls are like going to the dentist for me.
I'm actually thinking of hiring a part time sales rep. Unles I can come up with some sort of Jedi mind trick to make myself do it more.

RE: EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - SLOTOOLS - 05-20-2013

My first job today was a 16,000 sq ft. commerical carpet, used the Cimex and Trinity , 2 people @ 5 hours, used punch prespot and Ds2 and also Hydrox on the multitude of coffee tea and soda spills. I like a balance of both commercial and residential.

RE: EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - leofry@1966 - 05-21-2013

I love commercial work, I am currently at about 20% commercial, I don't count rental property as commercial i break it down in res, rental , commercial. my goal is
60% commercial
39% res
1% rental

RE: EncapBlog: Top 10 Reasons to Love Commercial Carpet Cleaning - Rob D - 05-21-2013


I like the $ figures ! I'm not quite at those numbers, but I'm working on it. To be honest my commercial is almost double my residential per hour. That's the reason I'm focusing on commercial.

As far as commercial at night I found that many doctors office close early one day during the week and I do most then.