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New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - Printable Version

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New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - encapman - 05-24-2013

We've added Bucket Heaters to our line up.

Bucket Heater's are handy to pre-heat water for carpet cleaning. We've used them for years in our cleaning business. Well I finally added them to our product line here at Excellent Supply.

With the Allied Bucket Heater, a 14-qt bucket of water will begin to simmer or gently boil in approximately 15 minutes. And although Releasit products work well in any temperature, there is an advantage whenever HOT water is available. Fill your Cimex, rotary, or portable extractor with simmering water for even better results. These heaters are also great for oily/greasy conditions.


[Image: bucket_heater.jpg]

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - Cairnswun - 05-24-2013

I've had a very similar one for many years.

Actually I'm on my second one.

They are fantasic, even great for boiling water for a cuppa when you don't have a jug handy. WinkCool

AAAND, it's a 240 volter. Wink

No need for me to put that on my "Bucket" list. Blush

Big Grin Tongue

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - MikeB - 05-24-2013

I've had one for a while now as well. Very handy for hot pre spray on the greasy stuff. Great tool for the truck.

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - SLOTOOLS - 05-25-2013

they are great when you need them, a wonderful thing to have!

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - MikeHabib - 05-27-2013

I use a VonSchrader LMX first and then go back over it with a 175/300 Buffer. I know quite a few guys who use the bucket heater to get the water as hot as they can with their VonSchrader and they swear it will give you great results. I have one and am getting ready to try it. I'll keep you guys posted.

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - CleaningConcierge - 06-16-2013

I actually made during my first year in business out an appliance power cord from HD and a heating element for a hot water heater. It wasn't safe but boy did it put off some heat.

Bucket heaters are a must for encap

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - Tumble - 07-30-2013

Great addition to the range Rick. On my wish list is an immersion (bucket) heater with thermostatic control. Why?
1) Porty pump seals are rated to various temperatures. Over do it and you'll prematurely wear your pump.
2) If you walk away from the bucket of water heating while you go and pre-vac or do some other prep, your water can start boiling. Having a thermo would get it to the temp we want, and keep it there.

Phil M.

New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - encapman - 07-30-2013

I agree that the water can boil after about 20-30 mins. I actually appreciate that. It gets good and hot! It does have a built in thermostat that will prevent the heater from over cooking.

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - ebarnett - 07-30-2013

I always use bucket heaters and have 4 of them. The hotter i can get the water in the cimex, the better IMO. While im cleaning, I have a bucket with water heating up. The great thing about the cimex is it takes a while to go through a tank of solution, so when I need a fill up I have water at close to 200 degrees ready to go.

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - Simon - 08-11-2013

Is it possible to get a bucket heater with a thermostat?

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - TheCleaningDude - 08-12-2013

I use a Multi Sprayer.

What would be the best way to get the water hot?

I use tap water, but it's really not all that hot - at least not compared to a bucket heater.

RE: New Product: BUCKET HEATERS - encapman - 08-12-2013

A bucket heater will make a difference even when you're using a sprayer. Obviously not as dramatically as when the solution is being shower-fed, due the atomizing of the solution. But you'll still see some benefit. Bringing the temperature higher always contributes to the cleaning efficacy.

The old rule of thumb is that... "For every 18 degrees above 118 degrees, chemical activity doubles." That's a huge gain! You can see this on a simple level washing your hands when they're grubby, or washing a greasy pan. Cold soapy water barely works, but increasing the water temp even a few degrees warmer makes a tremendous difference in loosening the soil.

Get yourself a bucket heater and see for yourself how much better the cleaning results can be.