Encapsulation carpet cleaning and commercial carpet care forum by Excellent-Supply.com & Releasit
What is your favorite tagline.... - Printable Version

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What is your favorite tagline.... - lee@deepclean.us.com - 06-25-2013

Thought I would ask what your favorite tagline is for a carpet cleaning company. I found one that goes "Clean and dry before we say goodbye".Tongue

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - TheCleaningDude - 06-25-2013

"I'm just trying to hack my way to glory...."

That's my motto.

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - lee@deepclean.us.com - 06-25-2013

Nice motto Cleaning Dude but doesn't that scare the customers!

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - JuddBowers - 06-25-2013

The difference between getting your carpet cleaner. . .

. . . or getting your carpet clean.

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - Derek - 06-26-2013

nice Lee!

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - P Cleaner - 06-26-2013

The cleaner carpet carpet cleaner P cleanerTongue

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - DON ELDRED - 06-26-2013

"You can stand on our reputation"

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - TheCleaningDude - 06-26-2013

You're right!

Will change the motto. Thinking of this one:

"I'm not a weirdo or goofball and your carpet will look great!"

I'm thinking that'll go over well.

What is your favorite tagline.... - encapman - 06-26-2013

Cleaning Dude you have a gift for slogans. You should be working on Madison Avenue.

How about this one for a VLM business... "We Won't Soak Your Carpet Or Your Wallet"

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
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RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - Rob D - 06-26-2013

Never used it but I like it" we don't cut corners we clean them"

RE: What is your favorite tagline.... - leofry@1966 - 06-28-2013

my tag line is WHAT A DIFFERENCE, I personally think that it depends on how big your company is to weather or you even have a tag line..

What is your favorite tagline.... - MikeB - 06-28-2013

Since I advertise Eco friendly services and safety, I have been using "carpets you can live with"

Sent from my iPhone using 2 cups and a waxed string.

But I haven't settled on any for sure yet. I keep changing my mind.

Sent from my iPhone using 2 cups and a waxed string.