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Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? (/showthread.php?tid=564)

Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - TheCleaningDude - 06-28-2013

There is one spelling error, it's being corrected.

Otherwise, what do you think?



RE: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - MikeHabib - 06-28-2013

I like it. I would pass them out, get the name and phone number of the person who is in charge and then follow up and give a free demo of your carpet cleaning service.

Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - MikeB - 06-28-2013

Very nice Damon! Good colors and clean look.

Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - MikeB - 06-30-2013

Damon did you have a local place lay that out ?

RE: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - Ed E - 06-30-2013

I think it is very sharp. Nice job!

RE: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - TheCleaningDude - 06-30-2013

Thanks, guys!


I worked with Phillip Newell (cleanimage) on this. He does web design as well as carpet cleaning.

The content was written by me and I supplied the pics. He put everything together in terms of layout.

(06-30-2013, 11:39 AM)MikeB Wrote: Damon did you have a local place lay that out ?

RE: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - encapman - 07-01-2013

Phillip is a great guy! And that brochure is top notch.
I can't find a flaw in it. Well done!

RE: Commercial Cleaning Brochure - Thoughts? - JuddBowers - 07-02-2013

Those before/after pics are fantastic!