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Residential Cleaning
I am going to clean my neighbors house later today.  I was wanting to encap it with the CRB I bought from you guys.  Should I use Hydrox or DS2 for this home?  Is this the process I should use?

Use the CRB on a dry floor to remove the grit and grime
Apply either Hydrox or DS2 from my pump up sprayer
Run the CRB over it
Apply Fans
Collect check

Have them vacuum in the morning


Tom Ingram
Tom, that is what I've been doing. The CRB will lift the carpet nap beautifully. May I suggest that if you run a damp pad afterwards, you might brighten the carpet even more? That would help if you run into heavy soil. Good luck, and guys, I'm happy to be corrected if you have a better idea for him!
With Respect,
Yes, it can be done. There are companies out there providing this exact service with CRB's and Releasit for residential customers. Smile

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