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04-10-2015, 05:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2015, 12:25 PM by patrickm.)
Hi Rick, I spoke to Rod(?) earlier via phone but I believe you're closed now. The replacement cord for the Vario,does it come with the strain relief boot thingy? I need to order one asap but if it doesn't come with it can you tell how to remove the original?
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Yes, the 50 ft Vario power cord comes as a complete assembly with the cord relief included.
Rod Clarkin
Excellent Supply 727-821-2020
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Cool. Anyway possible to post color sample choices of cords & bumpers?
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What color choices are you looking for?
Currently the options for the cord & bumper are.. red... or red.
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Talked with Rod and he mentioned that there are a few color choices. Blue or green.....or black if the blue and green isn't close enough.
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The Vario's cord and bumper only comes in red. Any other color would not be a normal color option.