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I know there is so much info- What's your favorite 17-21"
pads for encapping on Orbot/trinity and do you mix them up on a job.
Love my Cimex, But I got a OP coming and want to enlist the "brain trust" of
the good lookin,' hard working Encap board guys.
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On commercial olefin type glue down I use the fiber plus pads and on residential cut pile or plush I use 50/50 cotton polyester pads.
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Any experience with Glads??
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I use the fiber plus max pads or tunway pads myself.
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Commercial I use Fiber Plus ALWAYS followed with a bonnet, either a Superzorb or microfiber.
Residential I use a microfiber with scrub strips. Dwell time is important for resi jobs from my experience.
DS, Punch, and Odorcide fresh scent will cover you 90% of the time.
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What are the functions of fav encap pads? I want some clarification, will you please give me some idea about this.