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New handle for CRB.

I thought the handle on my CRB would be to wide to fit between the pews. I was right, so I made a new one...

What A Difference - Carpet & Tile Cleaning - Lexington KY
Very nice and it looks like its very easy to handle.
Well done sir! What did you make the handle out of?
Very cool idea. How did you make that?

Rick Gelinas - The Encapman
www.Excellent-Supply.com / Releasit
Schedule 40 PVC fitting from Lowes. Took about 10 minutes to make. T fittings on the bottom with a hole drilled through it, then a bolt and wing it.

What A Difference - Carpet & Tile Cleaning - Lexington KY
You are awesome! I love to modify stuff too!

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