Hi Lynne,
my apologies for such a long post.
As has been said before, keep persistent.
One thing I do is try & use every Friday morning to call on prospects and do a demo for them.
I then usually take my wife to lunch, then home to do the quotes for the jobs that I been to in the morning.
The quotes are then on this persons desk on Monday morning, if not Friday afternoon.
NOW, regarding getting knocked back on a job.
I had one job that I did yearly until a new manager took over, which I then lost last year.
Last week, I was called in by the building manager to clean a lift lobby on the 15th floor with my Big Yella (Cimex).
Their cleaner was unable to remove certain stains & the carpet still looked a mess.
The above business is also located on the 15th floor.
I cleaned the carpet on Saturday morning.
Monday morning the building manager told me how impressed the biz; above was with the carpets.
An hour later they contacted me to do a quote -NO DEMO.
When I took the keys back, all the staff were complimenting me on the job, they had even sent me an email BEFORE I dropped the keys off, see below.
The manager of this biz; then proceeded to tell me how the previous cleaner she got told her the carpet was unable to be cleaned any more as all stains were permanent & the carpet needs to be replaced.
One other item in this building, ten years ago I was asked to do a demo on a carpet that was to be replaced, the carpet retailer recommended me.
Today, I am still doing this same carpet, all two levels of it.
Here's the email:
Good morning Shorty
I wanted to thank you for the fabulous job you have done on our carpet. It looks amazing. I will pass your invoice on to our accountant and make sure it is paid promptly.
Thank you
Kind regards
Gayleen Toll FRCSA
Managing Director
Get in their face & do a demo, even if they knock you back, go & see them again.
Things change & it's just a matter of timing.
Hope this helps.
I don't regret my past, I just regret the times I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or I no longer love what I can do.
Stop moving, start dying........