Thanks: 135
Given 31 thank(s) in 30 post(s)
Rodney has located new gears for my 11-year-old Duplex! The old ones shattered suddenly (well, 4 out of 13 did) and it is my main workhorse. Knowing that I can fix it feels GREAT!!!
With Respect,
Thanks: 28
Given 270 thank(s) in 248 post(s)
Excellent! You'll be back in business in no time.
Thanks: 0
Given 12 thank(s) in 11 post(s)
"Gear up" for some cleaning once your Duplex machine is back in service! (Pun intended) I just couldn't resist
Rod Clarkin
Excellent Supply 727-821-2020
Thanks: 0
Given 9 thank(s) in 9 post(s)
Great customer service as always!