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01-11-2013, 04:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2013, 10:57 AM by SLOTOOLS.)
I Cimexed a Large sancturary at a church that had mint CGD carpet, lots of stains from Drinks, coffee, tea and oil, grease and rubber marks. Rick has stated that Hydrox does not play nice with other chems so no prespray. Stains were removed with ease using Hydrox, and it got me thinking why would some cleaners use Punch prespray and releaseit combo instead of just using the Hydrox product exclusevely for cleaning?
My results seemed stellar and Custy was very pleased. all the info I can glean for the forum is appreciated- so if you have an opinion, please share your thoughts.
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The Cimex did land me this as a regular account- very easy, other carpet company was getting wickback on all the tannin type stains , and charging a fortune.
Other cleaner has a company with 3 massive truck units for cleaning, I have a large HWE as well but the Cimex slew the might TM on this one.....
What the custy liked was that I can spot clean large areas with ease and speed using the Cimex providing a quick dry solution to spots and stains.
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OK so this morning my 1st job was clean 3 bdrm home,
added the tile cleaning in kitchen/bath and client wanted her mattress spots cleaned which had many food and misc stains, used hydrox - misted on, agitated, and only a couple drops of releasit spotter- put a dri-ease fan on it and dried in minutes- very nice outcome, next time I will post pics- big difference - having fun and enjoying the possibilities.
PS...soon as I had cleaned the mattress, client put her tiny dog on her bed-
I am positive I will be cleaning mattress again, soon......
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LOL!!! Just think the extra work you'll be getting.
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Pets are such a wonderful form of job security!
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Hey slotools we have several TM's and two Cimex's. The Cimex's are always used on CGD. If not then there will surely be wick backs. Good work.
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Used the Cimex all day friday and for a job Saturday. I am going to buy a OP machine soon, I just see it in the cards. One of my Friday residence jobs was a 2000 Sq ft
with a pretty soiled dining room. HWE made easy work of it, and I am so curious if OP and encap could compete, I know some would say yes, but ultimately it is up to an operator and where his comfort/skill level is with the cleaning format. Not having to drag 150-200 ft of hoses on a residence job would be wonderful...