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Where does the dirt go? Lol
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Eeeks! That water is dirty!
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I need to be better at taking pics. I'm terrible at it. I've had plenty of machine loads like that, some even dirtier.
Did you add detergent? I rarely do, except when they are that bad. I
wash them in hot water, then I wash them again with a bit of detergent.
I always dry mine also, on the low setting.
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Yes I do add detergent, but no bleach or fabric softener, When they are bad Ill use the pre soak setting and then double rinse. But I don't dry mine.
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I didn't use to dry them, but after some large commercial jobs when I'm washing a lot of them, the ones on the bottom of the stack smelled mildewey. (is that a word?)
I don't use heat, because I figured that would damage them.
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I blast them off with the hose or power washer then in washing machine