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Two weeks ago at this time I was rushed to the ER by ambulance. Abdominal pain, shortness of breath and getting sick and everything else. I wont go into detail about that. They did a CT scan and chest x-ray. Everything they said was clean and no problems. They sent me home and said I'll be fine. About 45 minutes later I was back in the ER and was stuck in the hallway for like 45 minutes and then put in a room for over an hour and a half. Went to the bathroom and blacked out. From here on I don't remember but my wife filled me in. I was bleeding internally and was about to lose my life. They put 3 units of blood in me and had to do a endoscopy and singe some ulcers. The ER was horrible as I was there for 8 1/2 hours the first time then sent me home. The same thing happened to my brother and they just said it was a stomach ache. When he went home to NC he went back into the ER and ended up stage 3b cancer. At 40 I wasn't ready for this. Things are good now and I'm going back to work today.
Saturday I got a bill from the ambulance for $1000 and was not expecting that and now I'll probably get 2 ER bills since they sent me home the first time. This means I have to save up for the CRB again. Sorry Rick, it'll come soon enough. Although all this has happened I'm feeling very blessed so that I can watch my 3 and 6 year old grow up.
I've touched on this subject before but was a while ago. What are you using for encap. pads?
I really have to get new ones for my OP!
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Richgallina, I hope everything works out for you. Question isn"t everyone covered under the Obama health care system now??? P cleaner
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Hope your on the mend fully now Rich, you've had one heck of an experience there.
Now don't take this the wrong way, but reading the above & remember I'm down under where I always have a different perspective, it appears that you may be alluding to the pads as being the cause of the internal bleeding.??
Am I right in this point.??
Did the Doctors actually say what had caused the internal bleeding.??
I personally cannot see any fibrous residual breaking up from the pads being the cause, as the moisture in these minute fragments would be heavier than air and thus keep them from being drawn into ones mouth.
I would really like to know the cause because being an older codger, and much closer to ground level than most carpet munchers, I could be more at risk than most.
Short 1
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or no longer love what I do.
Stop moving, start dying........
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P cleaner, No need for Obama Care for me Thank God. I work for a public school so diffidently thankful for that.
Shorty, the cause was from all that Argo years ago. Cotton pads must of been made with asbestos. Possible asbestos paint chipping off of old blue as well! Things we know now!
Seriously though, It was from ulcers in my esophagus and stomach. I have to get an endoscopy on the 21st so they can get a better look.
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PHEW !!!
Thanks mate, I feel much relieved now.
My old Grandad told me sixty years ago, "Shorty, have a chilli a day & you'll never have ulcers or hemorrhoids.
It's worked so far.
Hope all goes well for you.
Short 1
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or no longer love what I do.
Stop moving, start dying........
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Thanks so much guys. At 40, I really don't wanna die although Gods kingdom sounds good to me!
As far as Argosheen goes. I never had an issue with it and still use it from time to time. It's great when I'm not encaping.
Rick, I've always appreciated the man you are. I am going to try the microfiber pad that you have. I've never used anything except cotton and glads. I'd like to see how the work with OP!
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I am a big fan of the 3M half-mask respirators. They can be very effective and can be worn without too much additional fatigue for 4 hours or more. I am also a big fan of bringing a commercial HEPA box to job sites. You never really know what people put down on floors before they hired you.
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sorry to hear this Rich. glad you are on the mend.
same thing happened to my Pop several years back. stomach bleeding. for years he has been taking 1 aspirin a day for "heart health." he had been taking it on an empty stomach, that's a no-no. plus he was going through 1 bottle of Dave's Insanity hot sauce every week. spicy food is NOT good for this situation lol.