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DS2, Hydrox, or both?
I am going to be testing DS2, Hydrox, and Encap Spot.  I clean a few buildings part-time, and have had success cleaning their carpets with a CRB machine.  My local jansan suppliers have limited encap supplies (or knowledge of encap), so I am very interested in switching to Releasit.  Some of the carpets have children crawling on them (leaky diapers, food and drink spills).
I will also be encapping some couches and loveseats (same children) that are acrylic/olefin/rayon/polyester.  I will use a drill brush attachment, then wipe with a hand bonnet or cloth.
Just wondering if some of you use just DS2, or just Hydrox, or have both on hand for specific situations?
  Reply   Purge Spammer
Hi Garyfran, welcome. I moved from Encapuclean ( great products) to Releasit (great products) for the service, home delivery and streams of advice. If you are open to suggestion, read the entire Excellent Supply website. Then go youtube eveything Releasit, Excellent Supply, VLM and so on. Then read these forums until your wife gets mad.
You'll find so many helpful things that it will be worth it. You'll also get in depth, detailed application info.

Come on in, the water's fine!
With Respect,
A big welcome to you Garyfran from the little old bloke.

Ask any question here that you want to.

I don't think any of us knew much (if anything) about Encapsuation, until Rick Gelinas brought us all together.

There is no silly or stupid question here, only questions that many won't ask, yet there are many here that know the answers and are ready & willing to share with everyone.

Ask & post regularly.


I don't regret my past, I just regret the times I've wasted with the wrong people.
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or I no longer love what I can do.
Stop moving, start dying........
A big "hallo and welcome" to you from Germany.

I started using HydrOx, DS2 and Punch and it works great!

HydrOx works great on light carpets and as a spot cleaner for organic spots.

Yesterday i did a job with HydrOx for a commercial client with many coffee spots. Just pre sprayed, a bit dwell time and than sprayed again with the lower shampoo dilution and scrubbed with my 175 and microfiber pads. The dark coffee spots disapeared like magic!

I often use a CRB in residential. Sometimes with some compound on plush carpets.

Here you get everything you need. Just ask and the answere is comingSmile

As Stephen said...try to read as much as you can...you will learn a lot!
Hi Gary and Welcome!

From what you described, I think Encap-HydrOX would serve you well. Give it a little additional dwell time as you work with it. And be prepared to see some some nice results.

P.S. For crawling kids and "leaky diapers", hot water extraction is recommended.

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