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Yesterday I had to clean a small office. Commercial loop carpet with traffic lanes. Wanted to pick up my equipment out of my car...and could not open the back door anymore!!!! No chance. So i decided to take only the CRB with me through the front door cause the 175 rotary had to stay in the closed back of the car.
Worked with punch and ds2 but the result was not as good as i wanted to be. Customer called today and told me about the traffic lanes. They are still there.
I only used a bit moisture with my pump up sprayer.
I will go and re clean the carpet.
What do you recommend?
I thought of using the rotary...(the backdoor is ok).
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Things should go much better when you have the 175!
There is no shame in going back and trying again.
Traffic lanes are a bit much for a CBR alone in my opinion.
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Yes, i think so too.
Should work much better with the 175. You can not imagine how hard it arrive at Customers office, highly motivated, took a look of the carpet situation and went with my plan back to my car- and i only could get the CRB out of it.
I knew that the CRB would not do the job, especially the traffic lanes. That was the hardest thing...knowing that you can not get a real good result!
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Maybe it's time for a new car or van?
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I went back today to re clean. I worked with HydrOx. I pre sprayed, let dwell 10 minutes and then used the 175 with the tank. Used hot water, VCT pads and the SuperZorbs.
It was strange... I could not get out the traffic lanes. On some areas of the carpet the pile got darker, nearly black as i pre sprayed!
I made a wet pass left to right. One dry one back. Then overlapp 50 %.
I expected that the SuperZorbs got really dirty but they only went a little bit brown.
I think the pile was distorbed. I really do not know what i should have done different instead of the process i made.
My whole process was:
- Vaccum
- Pre spray
- Dwelltime
- Scrubb with 175 and VCT Pads
- SuperZorbs
Any advice what i should have done different?
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I would guess pile distortion and wear. Not every problem can be solved with just a cleaning.
If the carpet is old and has not had regular maintenance that is normal.
The carpet is probably clean but still looks dark because of wear.
I would stay with a heavy mix of DS and Punch in the tank on work like this in the future.
Use Hydrox for protein spots in commercial and light colored residential.
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We all want to be the hero but sometimes it is beyond any system or persons ability.
I always try to not promise too much before hand.
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Thats true. I always do my best. Sometimes it is not enough or impossible to get the results we always want for our customers.
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Read labels for ES juices. As mentioned DS & Punch-Prespray with punch per lable then follow up with DS in tank. You could've added in Odorcide the tank.
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10 years old, never been cleaned, And a dog...ive learned to set expectations low from the start in situations like that. Promise you'll work hard but as someone told me, you're a "Carpet cleaner not a miracle worker!"
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