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I have a gymnastics center to clean. The carpet is one year old and in great shape. They say they have a slight odor in the childcare area. I was thinking of using Odorcide Fresh Scent with Releasit. What is the proper dilution?
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Those work great together. We sell Odorcide for 2 reasons...
1. Odorcide kills odor at the source. It's doesn't mask odor. It's not a disinfectant. It simply obliterates the odor at the molecular level. It just works!
2. Odorcide is compatible with Releasit's Crystalon3 polymer. So you can use them together and still get the proper encap performance from Releasit.
Just mix Odorcide according to the directions on the Odorcide label - mixing it right in with your detergent - and then scrub the carpet like normal.
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And the beauty of that method is you actually get the odorcide right down to the odor source vs. just spraying it on after cleaning, should get great results.
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How does Odorcide do with pet odor?
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Rick, can Odorcide be used with Encap-Hydrox and BioEncap, or just DS?