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Cimex solution does not feed to pads
The machine was working fine, after refilling the solution tank, I noticed the solution was not feeding through the tube.

I squeezed the solution lever and opened the tube cut off in the back to make sure the line was not pinched.

I'm not sure if the problem is from the tank are the sprayer above the pads.

Has anyone every had this problem?

I would like to learn how to fix small problems like this myself.

Are there any resources online with maintenance tips for the Cimex?

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Sounds like your plumbing is clogged. You need to REGULARLY clean out your Cimex plumbing. Corrosion, crud and congealed detergent accumulate in the system and flow is restricted. Cleaning carpet with limited flow compromises the machine's performance. You'll see a significant boost in production if you will routinely clean out your plumbing. It's necessary maintenance. Watch this video to learn how to keep your Cimex plumbing clean...
Awesome, thank you!

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Another possible cause:

The four locating screws at the bottom of the solution rod that opens & closes the solution valve may have come loose.

This can cause the solution valve to become loose.

As you pull the trigger, the entire solution valve is lifted, instead of releasing pressure on the solution line, you are actually lifting the entire solution valve.

Periodical checking & tightening of all screws, etc;  is part of my regular maintenance for my old machine.

Hope the above helps & makes sense if Rick's explanation doesn't fix your problem.
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Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
I'll retire when I can no longer do what I love, or I no longer love what I can do.
Stop moving, start dying........
Shorty makes a good point. Make sure your tank is not wobbling around. If it gets loosened, the pinch valve will not work properly. It's easy to bump/bang/pull/tweak the tank - and it will then wobble and shift around. If the tank is not SOLIDLY FIXED to the handle the pinch valve won't work properly.

If your tank is loose, here's a simple fix...
1. Push downward on the tank. As downward pressure is applied to the tank - drill a hole through the upper tank bracket, and straight into the handle.
2. Screw a self-tapping screw through the hole. Tighten down the screw to secure the upper tank bracket to the handle.
~ This will fasten the tank securely to the handle and prevent it from wobbling/shifting.

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