Which pad driver for an op machine is better
Velco pad driver
Short red bristle pass driver
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 Velcro pad driver or the the short red bristle pad driver

Which is better to have 

Does one allow for use of a better variety of pads/bonnets over the other
The Velcro driver grips better.
The Velcro driver also "rips" better.

The red bristle pad driver is a better option for most situations.
The red bristle driver is a good all around driver. It won't damage bonnets.

The Velcro driver is actually better when it comes to its grip.
The only problem, it grips so well, it tears at the fabric of the bonnets.
When you remove the bonnet, it will literally pull threads from the bonnet.

If damage to bonnets wasn't a factor, I'd recommend the Velcro driver. I love its grip.
But since damage to the bonnet isn't ideal, the bristle driver is our recommendation.
Thanks Rick,

So if the velcro driver grips better Does this allow for use of a better variety of pads/bonnets over the red bristle one. I guess it wouldn't matter if a bonnet would clean better with one driver over the other, or i could be wrong
The Velcro drivers, as well as the bristle drivers, can be used on a full range of pads and bonnets. There wouldn't be a difference in cleaning performance.

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