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I know the cimex is user friendly and productive but does it clean better
i am still behind the 175 with fiber plus pads and it works great and i can use the machine pretty easy.. will i see a difference in the cleaning when i do buy the cimex, or will it just make life easier and more productive
Better--Easier--More Productive--Better Professional Appearance--
Different than any other machine--You will stand out from the run of the mill cleaner It goes on and on
Thanks Don...
You will be cleaning the carpet more thoroughly with the dual-direction, triple pad action. All sides of the fibers get a good scrubbing. Big difference though is the ease of use compared to wallbangers. I clean a lab once a month with a epoxy coated concrete floor. Gets real cruddy!! We usually run a 20" wallbanger on it (too many steps for the automatic). Last month my back was out so I unloaded the Cimex and mounted scrub pads on it. Did the job much faster and so much easier + the concrete was cleaner than ever. So on carpets would be the same better results.
I think Don nailed it, you would really enjoy using it I think.
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Yes I did not know what I was missing till I purchased a Cimex. On the commercial accounts, no more slagging the HWE hoses, and in most cases as a bonus, better results, carpet can stay clean longer, more productivity for the business owner. ect...
Make sure you get a ramp as it is heavy.
I've wanted to get a 15'' for over a year, but I heard it doesn't run as smoothly as the 19''. I work alone a lot, the 19'' is just to heavy. Does the 15'' run exactly the same as the 19''?
That's why I bought the Orbot it's much easier to work with, but I still would like to get a Cimex.
For a Cleaner, Safer, and Healthier Indoor Environment
I have also wanted a cimex for over a year... i would like to never buy another truck mount again if possible...
I do also worry about the weight of the cimex...
the weight is only an issue for me when there are a lot of stairs. i have the big boy wheel kit which helps tremendously up stairs. but one of my accounts has over 100 steps. very doable though.

as far as in and out of the van, i have only ever used a ramp (mine folds like the ones Rick sells here on his site.) i have no need or desire to pick it up and out of my van, that's just silly.
my problem is the van is not open enough to get in and out... i have a truck mount with hoses reels in the way ... so its a tight fit... i think the only way i could get it in the van would be to lift it...
The cimex is a tight fit in a cargo van with hose reels. We are removing the hose reel and hanging 50ft. sections to the side wall. We offer water damage so we do need the tm. This way we will have a truck for vlm cleaning and if things go well i am buying a caravan for vlm.
For the last couple of years my biggest expense has been gasoline because of our low population and very rural driving distances. Peter B.

Might help. Maybe build a cradle for it.
Electric hoist on it would be cool too

Maybe Rick's "Scrub3" would be something you would be interested in...

I love my rotary scrubber, I use it a lot and there is no doubt that it is very effective. But there is no doubt the Cimex out performs it on the level of clean and the ease of use.

The only thing I find a little painful with the Cimex compared to the rotary is the cord. The back and forth motion with the Cimex means the cord is always in your way when going backwards but with a rotary this is less of an issue because it's a side to side action. But at the end of the day that's a tiny inconvenience compared to the major benefits a Cimex gives you.
Yes, but the cord will not get sucked-in to the pad drive like it does with a rotary.
You can run right into the cord or right along side it with no problems.

and this can never happen with your employees....


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