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one of my concerns is what if they just buy a cimex themselves
I think Don & I have been down the same track.

I also had the same issues with janitorial staff and in one fell swoop, got rid of it all and just went cold turkey, carpet & upholstery only.

Famous last words to She Who Must Be Obeyed were:

We'll only work four days a week

Carpets & upholstery only

No staff

No advertising

Ha, ha..........

Within six weeks, we were doing six days a week.

Don't worry about the small things such as (present) managers deciding to buy their own equipment.

These people generally know nothing at all about spot removal as Don said, you're the expert, this is why you clean furnishings, not manage properties.

These managers SHOW someone how to do something, if that person really has no interest, they don't do a good job.

If that manager leaves, it's usually only the guy that has been shown how to use the equipment, that knows what to do.

When that employee leaves, do you really think he's interested in showing someone else what to do?

There are too many fish in the ocean for me to catch, just like there are soooo many buildings that need a good, honest, reliable, trustworthy & reputable cleaners to clean their carpets and upholstery in the area that I work.

Don't fret the small stuff, just get out there and get more work.

25 employees, wow.

You must've been doing well.

(03-12-2013, 04:38 PM)DON ELDRED Wrote: The thought has crossed my mind to. Than I think back to the days when we had several janitorial accounts and 25 employees, and how I dreaded answering the phone around 4.30 every night, another employee sick!!!!!! right. When we decided to get out of janitorial we took all the equipment and accessories right to the dump so I would never again get back into that end of the business.

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