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How many do flood and fire restoration?
Several calls today for flood work here in Illinois.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
I do flood work, but do not enjoy it. I have been very fortunate with flood damage and have good success, I do not offer 24hr call service like I used to 20 yrs ago. I like my sleep.
I do water restoration, several hundred jobs a year.
I use to and had a love hate relationship with it. I thought it was very interesting, but i hated that responsibility, glad i don;t do it anymore, I started my business for 3 reasons, Freedom, enjoying what i do, and money... i am still waiting on the money part to show up..lol lol
Restoration work for the average small carpet cleaning company can lead to a disaster You can only serve so many masters at one time.
Example being you are booked solid to day and the phone rings water damage need you now meet you in 30 minutes at 20 XYZ street. What do you do?
If you want to get into restoration start a separate company, and staff it for that one and only function, not an easy business to get into as more and more the large restoration firms are taking over the industry.
I think Don is spot on...
(04-19-2013, 08:50 AM)DON ELDRED Wrote: If you want to get into restoration start a separate company, and staff it for that one and only function, not an easy business to get into as more and more the large restoration firms are taking over the industry.

Yes Don it seems that this is true for many businesses these days. Residential c.c is one of the last mom and pop businesses that seem to endure the corporate take over of small business.
People like to hire someone they know and trust for something as personal as c.c.
Check's on the counter and so on.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Don you are exactly right. The way we do it though is it is me, two full-time employees and a part time employee with my dad in the office answering phones. My employees run the carpet cleaning jobs and rug plant. If a water damage comes in and one of my three employees is not free then I go to the job and get started until some help arrives. Sometimes I may wind up doing the job myself, though. So all my employees know how to do a water damage and this is the best way I have found it to work. Especially since we are on several third party vendor programs and they require you to be at the insured's house within two hours of receiving the job.
We have begun the process of getting into water damage a little more seriously. We are fortunate to be on good terms with a number of restoration companies that will gladly take on any work that we can't. So we can do the entire job, partner up with another company, or refer it out.
We offer it myself 1 full time and 1 part time. Years ago i spent alot of time knocking on insurance agents doors and adjusters but it didn"t pay off. Today we offer and do it for our residential clients and our commercial clients and that works out for us.
I refuse to lease exactime or what ever you call the program i don"t need the insurance company dictating what to charge . We use the blue book and works for us. Where i am we have alot of general contractors ( builders) now offering this service and none are iicrc certified.
We are busy in the winter and that fills a large gap for me. P CleanerWink

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