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tuway or microbeast or super zorb?
Hi guys, my name is Eric and I'm new to the board. Got my new orbot a few days ago and took it to a trashed out rental. Lady was afraid she would have to replace carpets and not get her deposit (she was moving out) anyway i spotted with releaseit encap spot, sprayed encap juice with the sprayborg while scrubbing it with a fiber pad letting it dwell, then came back over it with a microbeast bonnet and presto! Perfect! I was called a miracle worker, and stanley steamer who was there a month ago was called some names I cannot repeat here.

My question here is when would I use the tuway pads? The microbeasts worked so well, i dont know when or where to use them. Maybe on a carpet that is not so bad, and once over with the orbot and a tuway would be sufficient? Then when would you use a super zorb?

Anyway maybe some one could chime in on how and where they use them. Thanks!
Never use the Tuways with the Orbot. They will fill up your velcro driver immediately. Use the fiber pads or micros to prescrub the trashed carpets then finish with Superzorbs if extra extraction is necessary.
I use a different driver instead of the velcro on my Orbot and love Tuways! Guess it is a matter of preference. I use Tuways with punch to pre treat because I feel it does a great job of releasing fluid while making contact with the carpet fiber. I then finish with DS and microbeasts. I don't have Superzorbs but they seem like a great tool to have also. I am sure you will find a way that works best for you as long as you use Ricks juice!
Hmm, what kind of driver do you have for the orbot and where do you buy it? I was under the impression that you could only get a Velcro driver for using pads and bonnets? Is it a stiff brush driver?
I think I have had every bonnet/pad known to man. I never use anything anymore but the MF Beasts, Superzorbs, and fiber pads. They work great, and it keeps my life simple.
Ed Elliott

Hey ebarnett. Can't buy it, you have to build it. Took the bottom plastic plate off a 17" Malish Mighty-Lok Pad Driver and mounted it to the Orbot drive plate using the 8 philips head screws that are located under the velcro. I love it. Never have to worry about velcro getting plugged and grabs every kind of pad the first time and lasts almost forever! Also doesn't chew up the middle of some pads like the velcro does. Love my Orbot but not a big fan of the Velcro idea!
Thanks lee, so far everything on the orbot seems top notch, except I wondered about the velcro driver plate. The fact the the machine came with a spare velcro driver plate made me wonder how long they will last. I definitely prefer a brush driver or larger hook type over the smaller velcro.

One question: did the holes on the malish match up perfectly with the holes on the velcro driver?
Seems like most are using microbeasts or super zorbs to finish the job. Anybody just padcapping with the tuways and done on residential?
No the holes do not line up. Sure would be sweet if they did! I removed the thin plastic plate (the top plate with the hooks) from the rest of the Malish drive plate. I then drilled new holes to mate with the 8 screws on the Orbot. I had to destroy a $75 drive plate when all I needed was the top part. But it has worked out quite well for me! FYI.. You will not be able to use the Orbot Tile and Grout brush (it needs the velcro) if you make this change.
Ok thanks Lee. I do have plans for using the orbot for scrubbing tile and grout . When I purchased the machine I also bought quite a few tuways and microbeasts, so im disappointed to hear some users are having troubles running the tuways. Anyway I guess ill use them sparingly and see what happens.
If you're not going to need the Tuway bonnets, go ahead and return any unused ones Smile

That being said we sell an awful lot of the Tuway bonnets, and there are a lot of guys out there using them.

I ma glad you hear that you're hitting a home run with your new Orbot! Enjoy.
Thanks Rick, I may do that and just get more microbeasts and maybe some super zorbs. I hear guys all the time talking about how you can never have enough pads and bonnets.
I wish they would just make it so you can just buy the the think plastic hook part of those pad drivers, I love those pad drivers better then the brush ones, but you have to replace them sooner
(07-01-2013, 09:58 AM)David-Hebert Wrote: I wish they would just make it so you can just buy the the think plastic hook part of those pad drivers, I love those pad drivers better then the brush ones, but you have to replace them sooner

We've got it!

At ES we saw a need for a better drive plate for the Orbot, so went ahead and built one using the Malish hook and loop backing.

We call it the "Duragrip". And its available now. How do you like that?

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
Wow!! Talk about being all over customer satisfaction! Thanks Rick, I would really love to use a variety of bonnets based on the situation and this sounds like the ticket.

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