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I have to encap a black carpet, I don't feel like dragging my TM hoses up to this second floor conference room. The whole floor is 9000 sq. ft. I will encap the whole thing, but the conference room is a black carpet.
I wonder if they will see a difference.
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I'd use DS2 all day and not worry about it.
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I cleaned a black carpet one time. It was very strange looking.
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I just cleaned a state farm insurance office with black tile squares- DS2 all the way- 4oz to gal, moderate soil. Trinity OP.
I use a brush for the tight places. Excellent results- and with a reorder from excellent will get me through the next couple of busy months.
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The black carpet I saw was in a room decorated with an African Safari theme. The room was neat but the black carpet was strange. Also, any debris that is light colored that gets on it shows up easily, which is the opposite of what we usually see.