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Masters of the Carpets,
Could some of your Masters of VLM please give me there opinion on the history and experience if you own one. Is this an A list machine or just another OP machine that's average

To my knowledge its an Orbitec CX20? Now are Orbitec & CCS Machines related I hear all the time that the Trinity is one of the most desired because of the builder and design of the machines. I have the opportunity to buy this machine at a good price it was 3 jobs. If someone that knows the facts could give me the solid details and if this is a good machine I would appreciate.

I want to get a feel if this machine is a good investment? Verified little use, cost about $1700.

I know everyone has there favorites I hope this dosent turn into a Ford vs Chevy discussion. My biggest concern is how does is compare to the rest of the OP Machines on the market?? Being a newer company I would be doing more residential to start. Whats your recommendation?

Not that it makes a big deal but I have taken my IICRC CCT and passed.....

Thank You Very Very Much!!

Please give me you opinions PLEASE!!![Image: ORBITECCX20.jpg]
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Come on a little help for the new newbee please??
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That is an Orbitec from Clark Lancaster.

Clark made all of the CCS machines for a few years.
Though I'm not sure if he's building the newer CCS models.

I'll let others comment on their experience with Orbitec equipment.
Buy the low boy swk 19" .....it a great value for a great machine.....nice name robbdny/robd
You were going to check on a water tank for me on it and I didnt hear back from you? Any Luck?
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Water tank for the LowBoy? No
Spray system? Yes

We're putting the final touches on the spray system now. It's gonna be pretty slick. Smile

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
I would seriously consider buying one if I could see it in real cleaning action!! The 1970 carpet wouldn't possibly show the cleaning power of the LB the pattern is too crazy.

Can you dirty a nice light colored carpet like in most of the videos and do some cleaning with a Glad/ diaper bonnet so people can see the amount of dirt its removing? The carpet in the big wheel kit looks the same no matter what.

I am sure if you guys take a piece of rat nasty carpet and the LB9000 on it with the big wheel kit it will be a remarkable sales tool for seeing the package. A company as large as Oreck I am sure as some carpets for testing that could be dragged out and a simple smartphone video made.

Is there anyone else out there that would like to see the LB Big Wheel on some real RAT NASTY CARPET I see nothing but a nice looking shinny machine moving over that 70's carpet now. I dont mean to offend anyone but that is the only video I can find. I need to see some carpet cleaned before I am going to shell out close to 2K on a newer machine.

PS Please, I really didnt mean to offend anyone if I did I am sorry; those were not my intentions
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This model lowboy is new this year and the bigboy wheel kit is even newer.....so knowing excellent supply and the great customer service they offer they probably have several hours in designing their custom upgrades to this unit and a better presentation video is coming.....call them sometime and discuss encap cleaning they have one of the most knowledgeable staffs you will find......i have the low boy and I use it everyday does a great job and during the slow months I'll make a video and post but for now out making money with it
(09-11-2013, 04:07 PM)Robbdny Wrote: I would seriously consider buying one if I could see it in real cleaning action!! The 1970 carpet wouldn't possibly show the cleaning power of the LB the pattern is too crazy.

Can you dirty a nice light colored carpet like in most of the videos and do some cleaning with a Glad/ diaper bonnet so people can see the amount of dirt its removing? The carpet in the big wheel kit looks the same no matter what.

I am sure if you guys take a piece of rat nasty carpet and the LB9000 on it with the big wheel kit it will be a remarkable sales tool for seeing the package. A company as large as Oreck I am sure as some carpets for testing that could be dragged out and a simple smartphone video made.

Is there anyone else out there that would like to see the LB Big Wheel on some real RAT NASTY CARPET I see nothing but a nice looking shinny machine moving over that 70's carpet now. I dont mean to offend anyone but that is the only video I can find. I need to see some carpet cleaned before I am going to shell out close to 2K on a newer machine.

PS Please, I really didnt mean to offend anyone if I did I am sorry; those were not my intentions

Hi Robbdny,

That is an excellent idea of doing some "real world" cleaning on trashed carpet with the LowBoy. Excellent idea indeed. Thank you for the suggestion. We will work on putting something together. Hopefully we can do this soon.

Sorry you don't like our "70's carpet". In fact it's a "solution dyed" nylon carpet that we purchased for our showroom and offices when we moved in and remodeled 5 years ago. Guess it does look kinda 70's-ish, I hadn't noticed that before - LOL. Wink
Hey Rick, is the spray system going to be attached to the lowboy with its own pump and solution tank? I heard rumors of a hose connection that runs to a battery sprayer.

(09-11-2013, 03:10 PM)encapman Wrote: Water tank for the LowBoy? No
Spray system? Yes

We're putting the final touches on the spray system now. It's gonna be pretty slick. Smile

Rick Gelinas
The Encapman
It connects to a battery sprayer. It mates up with the Penguin Sprayer very nicely. It probably sounds more complicated than it actually is. Testing early versions of this spray system - it really works well and it's a clean and simple setup. Once you see it, I think you'll love the simplicity of the system and how well it works.

Do you think you could use your camera phone and shoot a short video of the LB9000 Big Wheel cleaning some nasty white carpet.
The 20 mins in effort should pay off many times over if it really runs the way people have said but still I want to see some simple no thrills proof.

Thanks Again For Not Abandoning This Post and standing behind your product,
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After we've completed the design of the spray system we can turn our attention to shooting a video. Right now we're testing and tweaking some prototype designs for the spray setup. Once it's fully nailed down and ready for primetime, then we'll show it off. But in the meantime, it's safe to say that this machine cleans as well as the Orbot - and at about half the price. Smile
I am sorry I didnt mean to disrespect your new carpet I was trying to make a point not my opinion on carpet you picked out. So please forgive the unprofessional comment I made to you.

I owned a large snowboard mfg. in the 80's and 90's and I am a custom to every design change being tested before being mass produced. That's one thing that I find unusuall about the CC industry no head to head year product comparison and testing is probably one of the few industries that some what ignores it.

And when I say product testing I don't mean bashing one shoe dosen't fit all people.

Thank you again for your participation and supporting your forum, to me that's important manufacturing changes are very difficult and time consuming. Especially if you are an ISO Company and use structured manufacturing the way I am sure most of the companies you deal with do.

Please keep writing and I will continue to follow your posts. Any information is good information

Thanks Again
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Rick, did you get a chance to do the video on trashed carpet yet? Would love to see it in action!

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