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Crb and Op
CRB and OP machine Does on clean better then the other?

The crb compliments other machines and improves results as well as removes tons of stuff that other machines can't.
It can't really be compared to an OP though. IMO a crb is not usually a good stand alone machine. Just my observation so far.

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Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Thanks that is what I figured

You can clean alone with an OP right?
Yes an OP is a very good stand alone machine

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Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
Mike, do you use a crb?
Patrick, Yes I have been using a crb for about 6 months or so and its great for pile lifting, digging up crud from deep down, scrubbing pre spray but I just haven't had much luck using it as a stand alone except on very lightly soiled stuff.
They are great tools but in my opinion so far, just a piece of the puzzle. I know some companies are using them as stand alone but I just can't see it. Maybe it's just me.
Mike Becker
All-Dry Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning Mendota, IL
I am still in the air on if I may buy one. I do but however with the funds I may have to wait. Buying a house in a few weeks.

Now if one came my way for like $1200 sure!
Is the SEBO a good machine?

Their is a guy selling a used one for $180 bucks is that a good price?

I could not tell how good it worked the carpet I tried it out on was commercial glue down

Is the SEBO a good machine?

Their is a guy selling a used one for $180 bucks is that a good price?

I could not tell how good it worked the carpet I tried it out on was commercial glue down
Are you talking about a sebo vacuum? It is the same as a windsor. That price is a steal if it works. I have a windsor xp12 sensor and it goes everywhere with me.
(09-21-2013, 08:48 PM)cleancorp Wrote: Is the SEBO a good machine?

If you're referring to the Sebo Duo - it's very lightweight.
It won't do a whole lot as a standalone encap machine.

[Image: sebo-duo-front-large.jpg]
From my experience, a CRB is a fantastic accessory, but very limited as a primary tool. A really good OP machine with the right pads, bonnets, juice, is a great investment.

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