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Have. I read or watched a video which you say punch is not comparable with DS2 but works great with Hydrox please correct me if I am wrong????????
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Encap-Punch works perfectly with Encap-Clean DS2. The only product in our line that should be kept in its own sandbox is Encap-HydrOx. Everything else crosses over between products flawlessly.
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Hey rick. Can the punch and basic be combined. Say 1 gallon of each ? I store my chems in a 2 gallon cooler each night. So customers can't see what I'm using. And to keep them from freezing. I wanted to add some kick to the basic
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They could be combined, but I don't recommend it. A more efficient usage of Encap-Punch would be to apply it as a pre-spray prior to cleaning with Encap-Basic. Using Punch as a pre-spray will yield consistently better results than directly mixing it into one of the other detergents.
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Thanks rick. Was just trying to avoid a step
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Sorry gents I meant to say compatable, So what I was asking can I use Encap punch & DS2, as I normally use Punch as a Prespray with Hydrox.
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Encap-Punch and Encap-Clean DS2 work extremely well together.
Encap-Puch is not recommended to use with Encap-Encap-HydrOx.