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I have a commercial glue down carpet to clean. Its a light blue and I cleaned it about a year ago. I used my cimex, fiber pads and release-it encap. I really couldn't tell the difference after I finished. I have that same carpet to clean this weekend. I would love to see it look a lot better this time. What can I do different this time than last time to make it pop? I also have a hot water portable extractor. Please advise.
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Our old Cimex/Releasit video should get you heading in the right direction.
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If it's light blue, I would use Releasit Hydrox. Check for colorfastness first, but this product should give you the pop you're looking for.
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I second the Hydrox! We've been having very good success with it. It would be my first encap choice on a light blue glue-down.
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Now interior decorators........ Different story. They are great clients and once you develope those relationships that is where its at. They dont beat you up and thier clients are the ones you want when you doing res. and area rugs.
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Can I use Hydrox on residential carpet?