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Help with Browning on upholstery


Cotton  and most furniture now has cotton and viscose blends WILL always turn brown if the fabric is wet too long or you use something with a ph over 7ph.

Sometimes even with effort the browning can not be fixed but improved 90%

1st   A product that will loosen or a emusifier is need to rewet the cellulose browning and it needs to be 7ph or lower.
Proschoice power gel diluted in a 32 oz sprayer is what i used to use---now I use 5ph encap products like safe and soft--vacaway or LST from chemaxx

2nd remove solution with many micro fiber  cloths on a oscillating machine --even a dewalt square sander will work --so you are not spraying more water or solution while you work on fabric.

3rd use a reducing agent on browning ---it will be safer than peroxide---mist on
I use red vanish from vacaway but any reducing agent powder----coffee spotters or look for Streepene powder online----small amount of powder in 32 oz of water----teaspoon in 32 oz

4th use hair drier ----forced heated air to speed dry cushion or section or 3x3 area ---small areas at a time

Sometimes you have to repeat process which is better than soaking fabric again.

If you are going to try peroxide or a reducing agent you should test in a small area.  1 side of cushion would be good.

I have paid for some furniture that I turned brown back when I was using hwe----just misting vacuuming and putting brown out solution on fabrics.
Worst was 2 chennille sofas---I paid out of my pocket  $6000   insurance does not pay for our lack of experience. I had to practice and learn how to clean fabrics, to re-coop my losses and I did----- I have made thousands on high end furniture cleaning but i learned the hard way
and my old employer and my iicrc classes did not teach me that------- I was just told use a fabric pre spray and "do not over wet"-------had to dig for knowledge and experiment. How do you get heavy soil off fabrics that cant be wet and do not clean up with solvent or dry cleaning?
Now I can clean anything with  misting low ph encap and using many micro fiber cloths to remove soil on anything.

I hope this helps--- I wish someone could have helped me 15 years ago

Messages In This Thread
RE: Help with Browning on upholstery - by Joel Hoppe - 09-09-2016, 11:10 PM
RE: Help with Browning on upholstery - by Enge - 09-13-2016, 08:55 AM

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