So, this morning i went to the customer. Tried Punch for the lavender Spot, HydrOx for the milk, some small blood and some coffee spots.
The blood spots disapeared after a little dweltime. I only could lighten the coffee spot a bit. But their was no soil transfer into my microfiber rag! Nothing when blotting the coffee or the lavender spot. Couldn't make any difference of the lavender spot. Think they set the spot with their household spot shampoo.
Was a bad combination: wool carpet and their own spotting attempts.
The blood spots disapeared after a little dweltime. I only could lighten the coffee spot a bit. But their was no soil transfer into my microfiber rag! Nothing when blotting the coffee or the lavender spot. Couldn't make any difference of the lavender spot. Think they set the spot with their household spot shampoo.
Was a bad combination: wool carpet and their own spotting attempts.