08-04-2012, 08:34 PM
(08-04-2012, 07:46 PM)Cairnswun Wrote: Okay, I guess I better open my trap, and see if I can't put my foot in it again.Ahh Shorty as always: Nail on the head.
here's my take on it.
Essential equipment:
Good vacuum with brush.
Spotting machine.
A variable speed polisher or Cyclo, SMALL POLISHER.
Small portable.
You need a really good vacuum to dislodge as much dry particulate matter as possible. I prefer the Dyson down under for residential, for commercial I use an 18" Windsor.
A small spotting machine is great for small spotting jobs and can also be used for cleaning upholstery.
Variable speed polisher, I use a Makita with Tuway bonnets for upholstery, sometimes I may need to extract with the small polisher.
Cyclo I use with the brushes for stairs, also on leather.
On bad stairs, I may also follow up with either the spotter or porty;
Cimex, KING of COMMERCIAL, if you're having trouble getting it up, do what I did and invest in a set of "Big Wheels".
I'm pushing towards 68, weigh in around 220lb and stand all of 5'6+1/2"
If I can still take Big Yella up three flights of stairs, why can't you.?
With a Cimex, you don't need a 175 floor polisher, use Big Yella to scrub.
Small portable, when you get those really trashed jobs, use Big Yella with pre-spray in the tank and scrub the carpet.
Follow this up with the portable extractor.
Brilliant job, collect the cash, see you in 6 months.