05-09-2013, 10:13 PM
I don't prespray, but I use a rotary with a shower-feed. I do, however, utilize dwell time and always found it better (personally) to do so. I make a pass over an area laying solution down, then come back for the scrub - so it dwells for a couple of minutes before I get aggressive with it.
Hope this helps, and I'm sure others will be along with their own preferred procedure. Ultimately, it will depend on you, your equipment (and how you use it) and the environment you're cleaning.
(But I feel as though I'm telling you what you already know...)
Hope this helps, and I'm sure others will be along with their own preferred procedure. Ultimately, it will depend on you, your equipment (and how you use it) and the environment you're cleaning.
(But I feel as though I'm telling you what you already know...)