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Why is Encapping considered more suitable for Commercial?
We have 3 truckmounted systems running and 2 Cimexes. We look to encap wherever possible, due to the high productivity. However, IMO, residentially, HWE is still usually the best option, at least compared to "straight" encapping (Cimex/pads or brushes). HWE removes soil, so the carpet is cleaner from a hygienic standpoint. It also tends to leave the carpet softer, as there is no or very little polymer left behind.

If you add "padcapping' or bonneting to the mix, that will blur the lines a little, as you will be removing at least some of the soil, and leaving the carpet at least a little softer.

There are many ways to clean a carpet, and you can be very successful using virtually any method. Each method has its definite strengths and weaknesses, and rather than try to bash one method, we prefer to promote the positive of the method we use- whether it's HWE, encap, or a combination of the two.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why is Encapping considered more suitable for Commercial? - by Kevin K - 08-19-2013, 04:24 PM

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