10-12-2012, 12:59 PM
I'll copy & paste information from the post that I made yesterday...
- "Proper encap shampooing can not be accomplished by pre-spraying the carpet with a sprayer. You need to shower feed it to see optimal results. Using Encap-Clean DS2 with a shampoo tank and FiberPlus pads will turn most any challenging commercial carpet into a walk in the park. Spraying the solution is not a good option - there's simply no good way to control the solution properly. Shower feeding gives you the control over the solution that you need in order to regulate your usage, avoid over-usage, and achieve superior cleaning. To do it right you really need a shampoo tank. To illustrate; it'd be like trying to paint a house using an artist's paint brush - technically it can be done, but it would be frustrating as all get out and the appearance would be terrible. Using the right tool will make it possible for you to do the job properly."