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Pad capping with the cimex
Pad-capping with the 8" bonnets won't cover as much ground as using a larger bonnet on a standard rotary or OP machine - but it does work. I like to use this approach in areas where the carpet's trashed and you need just a little more snap (for instance in a hammered entryway). After normal Cimex scrubbing I've thrown the 8" bonnets onto the Cimex and slowly scrubbed back over the tough sections. It really finishes off the carpet nicely. So in limited applications, such as small problem areas, the 8" bonnets for pad-capping are an excellent tool that can add a little extra pop. For larger areas though, larger bonnets will be more efficient for covering more square footage.

Messages In This Thread
Pad capping with the cimex - by P Cleaner - 12-11-2013, 09:07 PM
RE: Pad capping with the cimex - by encapman - 12-11-2013, 11:20 PM
RE: Pad capping with the cimex - by P Cleaner - 12-12-2013, 12:04 AM

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