02-03-2014, 12:06 PM
Two weeks ago at this time I was rushed to the ER by ambulance. Abdominal pain, shortness of breath and getting sick and everything else. I wont go into detail about that. They did a CT scan and chest x-ray. Everything they said was clean and no problems. They sent me home and said I'll be fine. About 45 minutes later I was back in the ER and was stuck in the hallway for like 45 minutes and then put in a room for over an hour and a half. Went to the bathroom and blacked out. From here on I don't remember but my wife filled me in. I was bleeding internally and was about to lose my life. They put 3 units of blood in me and had to do a endoscopy and singe some ulcers. The ER was horrible as I was there for 8 1/2 hours the first time then sent me home. The same thing happened to my brother and they just said it was a stomach ache. When he went home to NC he went back into the ER and ended up stage 3b cancer. At 40 I wasn't ready for this. Things are good now and I'm going back to work today.
Saturday I got a bill from the ambulance for $1000 and was not expecting that and now I'll probably get 2 ER bills since they sent me home the first time. This means I have to save up for the CRB again. Sorry Rick, it'll come soon enough. Although all this has happened I'm feeling very blessed so that I can watch my 3 and 6 year old grow up.
I've touched on this subject before but was a while ago. What are you using for encap. pads?
I really have to get new ones for my OP!
Saturday I got a bill from the ambulance for $1000 and was not expecting that and now I'll probably get 2 ER bills since they sent me home the first time. This means I have to save up for the CRB again. Sorry Rick, it'll come soon enough. Although all this has happened I'm feeling very blessed so that I can watch my 3 and 6 year old grow up.
I've touched on this subject before but was a while ago. What are you using for encap. pads?
I really have to get new ones for my OP!