04-12-2014, 03:12 AM
If you are doing well with small businesses I would keep working that market, are you getting testimonials, are you getting referrals? Make sure you stay in front of them, it sounds like you are in a fairly small city so you will be the go to if you just keep at them. If you went to one church and they ran you out don't worry about it, they may have been having a bad day, is your pitch interesting, are you acting as a consultant, I have did many churches and it always turns out great, I would just forget about the chains, there is probably more business elsewhere. You need to contact the government office you want to work with, find out which building you like, find out if Fed, City, State, then go to there website and find out how to become a vendor, then find out how to nail down the person who may care about carpet maintenance, then start calling them and sending them helpful information and offers, then keep doing that, you will do good, sounds like your off to a good start. Do you have a CRM system or someway of automatically following up with your prospects? You want to start now while your just getting started, and don't make my mistake of constantly chasing new businesses. Lastly if you live in a small town and you are trying to generate some income from CC'ing alone, maybe you should invest in a Vario OP machine and clean houses in your area, it's easy, I do it everyday with no problems.