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tip bloom
Hello and Merry Christmas everyone!

I recently cleaned a 2nd home for a family from Chicago. The upstairs carpet was almost new but had a few stains on it. The wife had tried unsuccessfully to remove these stains with a scrub brush and store-bought stain removal solution.

I cleaned the carpet with my Challenger, DS2, and microglides. Only 1 stain remained (it was a bad rust stain and I told this lady that it would be difficult to remove.)

Upon inspecting the carpet, i saw that, wherever she had attempted to remove a stain, there was now a clump of fuzzy carpet. I am assuming that it was tip bloom?? Nowhere else did I find any type of fiber damage except where she had attempted to remove a stain.

I used lubricated pads, kept the machine moving, ....

Here are my questions:

1. Was this damage in fact from the scrubbing with a scrub brush? I explained that the fiber damage was due to the scrubbing, in a very nice way.

2. Should I mention that fiber damage can happen if there has been scrubbing?

This happened also in the basement where the carpet was older. I used good technique there, too, but there was some fuzziness, especially on the stairs. Can a residential carpet cleaner, like a hoover, cause this kind of damage?

Of couse I want to be honest and take responsibility if it was my doing that damaged the carpet. But I don't think it was my newbieness in this case.

I would love any advice. Thank you.


2. Should I explain that if any scrubbing has been done in the past that this tiblooming could occur? I didn't say that (it has never happened to me before) but now I think that I may have to say that in my inspection.

Messages In This Thread
tip bloom - by lynne - 12-27-2014, 11:01 PM
RE: tip bloom - by lynne - 12-27-2014, 11:02 PM
RE: tip bloom - by encapman - 12-28-2014, 07:57 AM
RE: tip bloom - by lynne - 12-28-2014, 10:40 PM
RE: tip bloom - by encapman - 12-28-2014, 10:50 PM
RE: tip bloom - by Act One Cleaning - 12-29-2014, 12:14 AM

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