11-22-2012, 11:17 AM
That's going to be a challenge. At the least, they would need a rotary machine with a solution tank, buckets, extension cord, pad driver, pads, and possibly some rudimentary spotting products. That's the most basic bare bones way you could go. The weight of pulling all this stuff in a small trailer behind a bike would be hard to manage. And then storing all the equipment (I'm guessing at the boy's apartment) may present another challenge. Training boys to work with a potentially hazardous machine is also risky - it's easy to put a rotary machine through a wall for an inexperienced operator (or worse). And lastly, there's the ever-present risk in corridors of residents tripping or slipping.
You have an interesting concept, but I think it may be very challenging to implement successfully.
You have an interesting concept, but I think it may be very challenging to implement successfully.