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Jump from 175 to an orbit, is it worth it?
I currently have a dual speed 175(i forget the other speed) and previously asked about the Mytee Eco-17 and was made aware of the Vario 2 which looks professional and priced right and have watched every online demo i could find.
I realize these units are not quite as productive as the Cimex but as far as i'm concerned they are more versatile being able to use bonnets etc. I feel showing nasty bonnets to a customers is a bonus.
Is it worth it to me to upgrade or is an orbit a significant upgrade from a 175? Or should i aim for a Cimex and use my current 175 for times when bonnet use could be a benefit?
I know this has been probably ask before, not trying to stir any pot just trying to make my dollars go farther.
Thanks for any help!!!
  Reply   Purge Spammer
Any opinion would be great.
I recently got rid of my TM as it was getting up in hours and felt it's best days were behind it.
Before the TM i did bonnet cleaning with another product then switched to Release it and had a portable.
Just wondering if an orbital machine will give me a significant edge over my 175.
  Reply   Purge Spammer
Quite simply; there's no comparison.

The size of the rotations and the degree of agitation is different!
A rotary machine makes a sweeping circular motion (typically 175 RPM). 
The Vario Pro makes 1725 small (dime sized) orbital circles per minute.

So here's the million dollar question:
Which cleans best?
It's kind of obvious...
Make 175 large loops per minute?
Or make 1725 dime-sized orbits per minute?
At 28.75 orbits per second, an orbital will outclean a rotary!

Plus - and this is a big one!... The Vario Pro glides effortlessly over the carpet. 
A rotary will torque your body. And it takes time for a new tech to master.

Add to that, the onboard spray system - and you're ready to do some serious bonnet cleaning!
And when the Vario Pro is coupled with MicroBeast Pro bonnets it's a perfect combo.

If you're looking for a machine that hits the "sweet spot", the Vario Pro is worth a look.
Thanks for that, makes a lot of sense.
  Reply   Purge Spammer

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