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I needed to buy a new auto scrubber, and settled on a Clarke Focus II BOOST 28". BOOST stands for Battery Operated Orbital Scrubbing Technology. The technology features a 14"x28" rectangular pad that scrubs at a rate of 2250rpms. Depending on the pad it will strip a floor using only water. I know it works because I've done two strips with it so far. There is a 20" Square Scrub floor machine & Clarke has the FM40 that comes with a solution talk. So here's my question, with the right pad can these be used with Releasit on carpets?
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I've tried running a Square Scrub style orbital on carpet and it was a nightmare of epic proportion trying to push it across the carpet. You have to muscle and shove it to try get it to budge over the carpet. Maybe it might work if it had some type of wheels installed to help offset the weight and assist the square pad to glide over the carpet. But from what I've seen these square scrubbers in their current form aren't suitable for carpet.
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It's possible. Give it a try, and let us know how it works.