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I have a high end condo with wall to wall wool i need anything special with my cimex? Last time I used my truck-mount (prochem everest 650hp) with a hoss. It came out good, but that was in hot weather in the summer. Really want to try something dryer this time.
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I've only used the Cimex residentially once; I had it on the truck after a commercial job. We had a large empty house to clean; the upstairs was nylon cut pile and the lower level was a pink wool looped carpet throughout. VERY heavy yellow/brown traffic lanes that I told the client not to expect much of a difference.
So I set up my tech upstairs cleaning very clean nylon with the truckmount (he was happy, since he felt he was getting the better end of the deal!), and I lugged the Cimex into the home. Mainly because of some of the guys down under posting here about the Cimex and encap on wool. Using DS and beige Fiber Plus pads, the entire carpet (3 large areas) literally came out looking new! (to this day, I still haven't forgiven myself for not bringing a camera to that job). I was done and had the Cimex back on the truck before the tech got done upstairs.
Back then, I didn't have any bonnets for the Cimex. If I did the same job today, I would use the bonnets instead of the pads. IMO, they would leave the carpet a little softer, drier, and remove some soil. Better for residential work.
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As Kevin's commented above, yes - you can use the Cimex on berber carpet. In fact the encap method works quite well on berbers. Either Encap-CleanDS2 or Encap-HydrOx would work well for you on this one. Use the standard beige FiberPlus pads.
Let us know how you make out.
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The wool berber should clean up well for you using DS2 and the cimex. We use the same to clean a lot of rugs that come through our rug cleaning plant daily. Doesn't matter if we are washing them or not Cimex / DS2 works great either way.