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04-11-2013, 08:00 AM
Looking for recommendations for cleaning off white berber with yellow urine spots.. Typically I hwe these but looking to see what others do. I have hydrox ds2 basic green spot punch and odorcide on hand...thanks
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dog or cat contamination?
are you looking to remove the spots and/or the odor?
i only treat dog urine contamination (i don't offer cat urine contamination treatment.)
for topical treatment of dog i'd use Hydrox.
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Odor and stain..... Dog urine I also stay away from cat...was planning on 20 oz per gallon hydrox dwell 20 min then treat with odorcide
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Thanks for the props Rob! ALWAYS HWE urine. So...prespray with Releasit Encap Hydrox mixed 50/50, let dwell 15 min., then HWE with Hydrox in your rinse tank 1-2 oz. per gallon for a portable. 1 qt. for 5 gal in a TM.
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Ooh not the dreaded hoses!!! Lol thanks probably the right thing to do thanks for input Tanoah