04-30-2013, 11:57 PM
Cleaned for a lady today. Did whole house. Repeat customer. Always been satisfied. Well, she went to the dentist before we finished, payed us, thanked us and said see ya later.
We finished. Raked carpet. Everything looked good.
7 hours later she calls and questions us about a scratched piece of furniture. She wants to know if we did it. My wife tells her no. (That particular piece was a very small chest that I lifted by hand and set it on sliders and moved it well out of the way of any cleaning to be done.) My wife explained that if we had damaged it we would certainly have left a note saying so. The lady wasn't in a rage, but my wife felt like she wasn't convinced of our innocence.
This is one of those situations where we have absolutely no doubt. The way we handled the piece, it would have been impossible to scratch it.
I believe that the woman probably had not looked at the piece for a while, along with the fact that she has young grandchildren that frequent her house.
This has really bothered my wife and I told her that all we can do is tell the truth and let the chips fall. Really, after over 10 years of business and hundreds of customers, it's a miracle that these types of accusations aren't more common. This is our first that we know of.
We have done minor damage on 4 jobs over all of these years and have always told the customer and payed for the damage. My worst was a lamp that I accidentally knocked over and broke. Customer was gone and I was all alone, but I contacted him and told him. That lamp cost me a whopping $700.00, but I could sleep at night and learned to be more careful.
Just curious how you guys would handle this lady that I had today.
We finished. Raked carpet. Everything looked good.
7 hours later she calls and questions us about a scratched piece of furniture. She wants to know if we did it. My wife tells her no. (That particular piece was a very small chest that I lifted by hand and set it on sliders and moved it well out of the way of any cleaning to be done.) My wife explained that if we had damaged it we would certainly have left a note saying so. The lady wasn't in a rage, but my wife felt like she wasn't convinced of our innocence.
This is one of those situations where we have absolutely no doubt. The way we handled the piece, it would have been impossible to scratch it.
I believe that the woman probably had not looked at the piece for a while, along with the fact that she has young grandchildren that frequent her house.
This has really bothered my wife and I told her that all we can do is tell the truth and let the chips fall. Really, after over 10 years of business and hundreds of customers, it's a miracle that these types of accusations aren't more common. This is our first that we know of.
We have done minor damage on 4 jobs over all of these years and have always told the customer and payed for the damage. My worst was a lamp that I accidentally knocked over and broke. Customer was gone and I was all alone, but I contacted him and told him. That lamp cost me a whopping $700.00, but I could sleep at night and learned to be more careful.
Just curious how you guys would handle this lady that I had today.